• According MIPI v1.6 Specification
  • Multiple CPort Interface
  • RMMI Interface for MPHY with multiple symbol widths
  • UniPro Cold reset, Warm Reset and Endpoint reset.
  • UniPro Boot Sequence
  • UniPro Test Feature
  • Supports TC0(Traffic Class 0) and TC1(Traffic Class 1)
  • UniPro Hibernate Enter/Exit Procedure along with Pre Hibernate Exit
  • PHY Testing
  • UniPro Power Mode Change procedure
  • All PACP Communications
  • Supports up to 4 MPHY Lanes
  • Lane Distribution and Merging
  • Plug & Play

Mužská síla má mnoho nepřátel, kteří jen čekají na to, jak ji rozdrtit. Podložky a avoly v práci jsou ovlivněny sexuálními kamagra tablety nejen u honových pánů. V naší neklidné době jsou do skupiny rizik zahrnut i mladý a květinový stroj. Ale nezastaví jednoho z nich na milosrdenství osudu?

MIPI UNIPRO Features According MIPI v1.6 Specification Multiple CPort Interface RMMI Interface for MPHY with multiple symbol widths UniPro Cold reset, Warm Reset and Endpoint reset. UniPro Boot Sequence UniPro Test Feature Supports TC0(Traffic Class 0) and TC1(Traffic Class 1) UniPro Hibernate Enter/Exit Procedure along with Pre Hibernate Exit PHY Testing U...

UFS Virtual Platform Features

  • Cover all the features of UFS2.0 as mentioned in JESD220 for ex. MIPI UNIPRO as an interconnect layer, All 8 LUN processing independently, Full support for SCSI command for UFS, multiple command support, etc.
  • Full register accuracy of HCI register strictly following JEDEC JESD223B
  • TLM 2.0 interface provided following 1666-2011 std
  • QEMU emulator used with ARM support which is providing real time traffic
  • AXI interface provided to easily integrate it with any verilog flash model
  • Full integrated and tested with linux based UFS device driver available is linux kernel 3.13.6

Im Sommer 2015 schlug Sienna Miller nach drei Jahren Roman mit dem Verlobten und dem Vater seiner Tochter, Schauspieler Tom Starridge zusammen. Die Schönheit war traurig für kurze Zeit: Parteien, und mit ihnen und neuen Kriegsschuhe erfüllten ihre Abende schnell. Der Stern mit seinem Kopf erektionsmittelapotheke com in ein neues Leben, und als die Augenzeugen in einer Stimme behauptete, begann es nicht mehr als zehn Jahren, während ihres lang leidenden Romans mit Jude Niedrig zu sehen. In nur wenigen Monaten gelang es der blonde Sienna, mehrere Romanov auf einmal zuzureißen – ja was! Sie argumentieren, dass Felsenschönheit geschafft hat, enge Bekanntschaften mit Ben Affleck, Brad Pitt und sogar Robert Pattinson zu machen. Wo ist die Wahrheit, wir wissen es nicht, aber eines ist klar: Die Schauspielerin genießt Freiheit und fängt gerne Menschen in ihre Netzwerke. Das redaktionelle Büro der Frau

Se presta especial atención al uso de los atletas de drogas. En los deportes, se usa como una especie de energía. Aumenta la velocidad, la resistencia física, en Modaf Expert ES de reducir la fatiga del cuerpo.


UFS Virtual Platform Features Cover all the features of UFS2.0 as mentioned in JESD220 for ex. MIPI UNIPRO as an interconnect layer, All 8 LUN processing independently, Full support for SCSI command for UFS, multiple command support, etc. Full register accuracy of HCI register strictly following JEDEC JESD223B TLM 2.0 interface provided following 1666-2011 std QEMU emu...


UFS Virtual Platform Features

  • Cover all the features of UFS2.0 as mentioned in JESD220  for ex. MIPI UNIPRO as an interconnect layer, All 8 LUN processing  independently, Full support for SCSI command for UFS, multiple command support, etc.
  • Full register accuracy of HCI register strictly following JEDEC JESD223B
  • TLM 2.0 interface provided  following 1666-2011 std
  • QEMU emulator used with ARM support which is providing real time traffic
  • AXI interface provided to easily integrate it with any verilog flash model
  • Full integrated and tested with linux based UFS device driver available is linux kernel 3.13.6
  UFS Virtual Platform Features Cover all the features of UFS2.0 as mentioned in JESD220  for ex. MIPI UNIPRO as an interconnect layer, All 8 LUN processing  independently, Full support for SCSI command for UFS, multiple command support, etc. Full register accuracy of HCI register strictly following JEDEC JESD223B TLM 2.0 interface provided  following 1666-2011...

Why OaHoye ? (www.oahoye.com)

India is producing more than 15 lacs engineers every year. How many of them are actually engineers not just degree holders? How many of them really know what they have to do being an engineer. How many of them know what career options they have? How many of them have clear goals for them? How many of them know the path, challenges to achieve their goals? The answers of these questions are not very much encouraging. And the problem which comes due to this non awareness is called un-employment. Incise Infotech Pvt Ltd, which was involved in training activities since last 4 years thought about this problem and came up with a very unique solution which addresses this problem at the grass root level, when the student is in his 2nd year or 3rd year.

In today’s world the student’s biggest problem is not lack of Information, whereas the problem is abundance of unorganized information, Organizing this information to take meaningful decision has become very important now.

How oahoye can help you?

The first thing that oahoye does is, it removes the randomness from the life of an engineer by setting the clear target with intermediate milestones. Each student is powered with one self analysis and evaluation tool through which he/she can find out his strong/weak areas in real time, Student’s can find out where he/she lies in competition of their target. In the last one decade technology in every domain has advanced significantly and we are studying still the same materiel, Now time has come when we become master of one domain, Jack of all time has gone.

OaHoye provides links and pointers to the organized and shortlisted information which is important for the student to excel in his/her area of interest.

What are the top features of oahoye?

  • Setting your target as early as 2nd Year of engineering, Make your target CV
  • Choose your target company from a list of 1000+ companies (Still growing) of your domain
  • 250+ Tests per year from your domain of choice
  • More than 44 domain/sub-domain(Still growing), Each domain has 6000+ questions
  • Six levels of questions, get certificates on clearing each level
  • Learn and Earn: Each right answer means INR 1
  • 360 degree rating and ranking system
  • Find the best trainers from the Industry
  • Find out how many from your neighborhood has set the same goal and their ranking
  • Find references and Alumni’s from your college and neighborhood in your target companies
  • Get Live certification and recommendations on your CV from the trainers and experts
  • Do yourself analysis, Find out yourself where you are lacking w.r.t your competition
  • Create Study groups of your friends, share ideas, seek guidance, help and motivate each other
  • Get organized filtered information directly from your target companies on your wall of fame
  • Get only your domain information… No random motion
  • Companies gets detailed analysis of each enrolled student’s.
  • Target CVs are directly accessible to the companies from our portal

How students can be enrolled in oahoye.com?

Engineering colleges can enroll their student’s in oahoye by signing a simple MoU with Incise Infotech Pvt Ltd. After signing this MoU college needs to provide the university registration number and valid email ids of all the student’s to be registered on this portal. Then oahoye team will issue the registration number for all the student’s and they can enroll themselves on this portal. It is not possible for the student’s without the MoU to become the member of this portal.

Why OaHoye ? (www.oahoye.com) India is producing more than 15 lacs engineers every year. How many of them are actually engineers not just degree holders? How many of them really know what they have to do being an engineer. How many of them know what career options they have? How many of them have clear goals for them? How many of them know the path, challenges to achieve their...

In recruitment it becomes very complex to manage the applications and track of status of the candidates who has applied against the requirement posted on several websites and job portals. The resume comes from very different channels, this is the reason that we cannot use the recruiter components delivered by job portals. This raises the need of implementing the requirement life cycle in some kind of software. The software should automate the maximum possible steps involved in the recruitment process. The rest of the document will describe the whole desired functionalities to accomplish the given problem statement.

There can be a few application/applicant tracking system available as open source but it become complex and need efforts to configure and modify these software to address the specific needs. Our purpose behind implementing the software is to automate the maximum possible steps involved in recruitment and allow the company to use the resources in more efficient way. The purpose also includes accommodating the maximum possible requirement using the minimum company resources.


Main Features

  • Client Management
  • JD Management and Sharing
  • Centralized and Secured Resume Database
  • Recruiter Profiles
  • Candidate Profile
  • Online Evaluations and Knowledgeable sharing
  • Referral Management
  • Email Templates
  • Candidate Short listing, Interview Scheduling and History
  • Hotlist of Immediately available candidates
  • Candidate on boarding
  • Integration with company career page
  • Integration with promotional mailer APIs
  • Optional promotional SMS Integration


In recruitment it becomes very complex to manage the applications and track of status of the candidates who has applied against the requirement posted on several websites and job portals. The resume comes from very different channels, this is the reason that we cannot use the recruiter components delivered by job portals. This raises the need of implementing the requirement lif...

Product Description

Incise Core Banking Solution automates all aspects of banking and has been designed in a way to be highly scalable and agile. The architecture and design supports the UI to be very independent of the core functionalities of Banking. It supports closing operation both at Data Center level and individual branch level. The software can be either used by setting up the server in the bank premises or as SAAS model.


The application is based on Microsoft Framework 4.0 and has been developed using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. The backend is Microsoft SQL Server 2008R2. All the source code has been written in C# targeting the .Net Framework 4.0. It uses WCF to communicate with the centralize server using HTTP. To summarize the above, the whole application is based on Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0, C#, WCF and SQL Server 2008R2. The server can be hosted on IIS Server as an application.

Architecture and Framework

The application is based on SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) and based on 3 tier architecture using the DTO (Data Transfer Objects) model. The UI layer is a thin and dumb layer developed over the Windows Forms package. UI layer interacts with the Database Access Layer (DAL) using the WCF as the service layer. The service layer further interacts with the Data Access Layer (DAL), only the DAL can connect to the database and all the read/writes has been channeled through the DAL only. The architecture is very close to MVC. We have developed our own Framework over the .Net Framework 4.0 to support the entire operations. To reduce the bandwidth, we have implemented the client side caching. It supports the HTTP, HTTPS, MSMQ and names pipes however currently we have tested on HTTP.


The application is highly scalable and has been designed in a way to accept the frequent changes. More features can be added or removed by delivering the separate assemblies rather than delivering the whole system. The entire solution is consisting of 62 different projects. The UI is dumb and can be replaced by any type of UI components; either it is ASP pages or PHP pages or HTML or the Tabs and smart phones. All the source code has been written on the same pattern in order to accept and deliver the changes quickly.


  • User Management and Rights
  • Masters
  • Penal Parameters
  • NPA Parameters
  • Scheme Configuration
  • Interest Feature Setup
  • Customer Management
  • Work Flow based Member and Share Management
  • Account Management
  • Bank Accounts and Reconciliations
  • Configurable Instruments
  • Financial Transactions
  • General Ledger Accounting
  • Cashier and Teller Module
  • Loan Management and Recovery
  • Inward and Outward Clearing
  • Currency Configurations
  • Service Charges
  • Reports

Anglický termín Amici s Benetem, který se někdy překládá jako „přátele s bonusy“ nebo „s privilegiami“, znamená přátele, viagra bez receptu nimiž existují sexuální vztahy. To znamená, že to je pár, který má čas od času sex bez závazku a nezohledňuje, že to stojí za něco víc. Pouze oni jsou tak pohodlní.

Product Description Incise Core Banking Solution automates all aspects of banking and has been designed in a way to be highly scalable and agile. The architecture and design supports the UI to be very independent of the core functionalities of Banking. It supports closing operation both at Data Center level and individual branch level. The software can be either used by setting...

Universal Flash Storage 2.0

UFS is an advanced protocol to take advantage of SSD’s and utilize them as secondary storage while minimizing the drawbacks of flash memories. While the advantages are many, the protocol is complex and has MPHY and UniPro as the delivery systems which are involved in themselves. Incorporating a UFS device in a design will require considerable efforts especially in verifying the large number of scenarios possible. Writing these scenarios involves specialized knowledge and skills and will consume a lot of time which is not available while designing large SoC’s of which the UFS device is only one part.

UFS  Device VIP

  • Incise solution to speed up UFS verification is to write a VIP that can emulate the operation of an actual UFS device on all points of detail
  • It shall contain all the test scenarios and provide accurate protocol responses; simulate different types of errors that the user’s system will encounter in real time operation
  • Quick bug detection and correction right from protocol level to system level
  • Coverage metrics will inform user about how much of the device capabilities are utilized and tests required
  • The VIP is configurable and can be used to test systems at various stages; before/ after adding the service delivery subsystem

UFS Device Controller VIP Architecture


UFS Device Controller VIP Features

  • Comprehensive test suite for SCSI commands
  • Each UPIU provided with all system level option/feature
  • Initialization with and without boot
  • Controlled error injection through callbacks for each component
  • Real world errors such as from flash, initialization errors can be configure for testing host
  • UniPro and MPHY power modes provided
  • Flash Translation Layer provided
  • Each SAP in MPHY, UniPro and UFS provided and observable by the user
  • BFM for each component with IPXACT register model
  • WLUNs, RPMB and security features according to UFS 2.0
  • SDR,DDR and DDR2 interfaces for flash
  • All power modes present at device level and component level

UFS 2.0 Device Controller VIP Key Deliverables

  • Virtual Prototype (SystemC/TLM)
  • Detailed test Guide
  • Verification Environment
  • UVM
  • Self Testing, Direct and random test cases
  • Environment Automation Scripts
  • Reports
  • Functional Coverage
  • Code Coverage
  • Test Cases report

UFS 2.0 Virtual Platform:

UFS is an advanced protocol to take advantage of SSD’s and utilizes them as secondary storage while minimizing the drawbacks of flash memories. While the advantages are many, the protocol is complex and has MPHY and UniPro as the delivery systems which are involved in themselves. Incorporating a UFS device in a design will require considerable efforts especially in verifying the large number of scenarios possible. Writing these scenarios involves specialized knowledge and skills and will consume a lot of time which is not available while designing large SoC’s of which the UFS device is only one part.

  • Incise Infotech’s Virtual platform solution provides a complete UFS2.0 model including both host and device which is much faster simulation speed then RTL
  • The model is designed keeping in mind the full register accuracy of HCI register which can be used to demonstrate the complete UFS2.0 flow.
  • Boot up speed of the system is a lot more faster than the RTL.
  • The Model is a fully functional model of both host and device with TLM2.0 interfaces.
  • Full integrated and tested with Linux based existing driver available is Linux kernel 3.13.6 .
  • This model can be used for architectural analysis.

UFS 2.0 Virtual Platform Key Features

  • Covers all the features of UFS 2.0 like multiple command support , FLASH interface ,etc.
  • TLM 2.0 interface which could be easily integrated with any tlm2.0 based architecture.
  • QEMU emulator used with ARM support which is providing real time traffic.
  • MIPI UNIPRO as an interconnect layer.
  • All 8 LUN processing independently.
  • Full support for SCSI command for UFS.
  • AXI interface provided to easily integrate it with any Verilog flash model.

UFS 2.0 Key Deliverables

  • Fully functional Virtual model
  • QEMU with ARM support platform for integration
  • Functional specifications
  • Test cases
  • Test report
Universal Flash Storage 2.0 UFS is an advanced protocol to take advantage of SSD’s and utilize them as secondary storage while minimizing the drawbacks of flash memories. While the advantages are many, the protocol is complex and has MPHY and UniPro as the delivery systems which are involved in themselves. Incorporating a UFS device in a design will require considerable effort...

Top Features

  • Line Items and rates configuration
  • Automated Consumption factor configuration
  • Location and Sub Locations of the plant and site
  • Work order Tracking
  • Different Tax rates for different types of invoice (Capital and Revenue) and location (Different States of the country)
  • Measurements Entry and movements
  • Inventory of Construction Material
  • Steel and other material consumption details
  • Service Tax and VAT calculations
  • Tracking of Billed and Unbilled Invoices
  • Statements on Material Consumption
  • Material Rate History
  • Nominated Parties and Billing Engineer details
  • Nominated and third party billing

Technology used

ASP .NET, C# , SQL Server

Top Features Line Items and rates configuration Automated Consumption factor configuration Location and Sub Locations of the plant and site Work order Tracking Different Tax rates for different types of invoice (Capital and Revenue) and location (Different States of the country) Measurements Entry and movements Inventory of Construction Material Steel ...