Rakesh Adhikari (CEO)

Rakesh Adhikari is Semiconductor Industry veteran since last 17+ years, He has started his career with Motorola India as a design Engineer in year January 2000 after completing his Master’s degree from Delhi College of Engineering in Electronics and Communication Engineering and B.Tech from Kumaon Engineering College Dwarahat in 1998. After Motorola he joined a semiconductor services startup company RF Silicon Pvt Ltd and worked in the capacity of India Head Operations and Delivery. In 2013 May, to pursue his entrepreneurship dream he joined Incise Infotech Pvt Ltd as Director and now he is working as CEO and heading Incise Infotech Pvt. Ltd, to develop Semiconductor IP’s and provide SOC and IP design and Verification Services.

He is enabling and delivering cost effective Semiconductor Services in the following domains:

  • IP/SoC Design & Verification: Verilog, VHDL, System Verilog, C Based Verification, RTL Design/Integration , FPGA
  • IP and VIP Design: Verilog, VHDL, UVM, OVM
  • Physical Design: STA, Synthesis, DFT, PnR, DRC, LVS, LEC
  • Custom Design: Custom Memory/Standard cell/ Analog layout,Circuit design and Characterization
  • Virtual Prototyping: SystemC/TLM 2.0, C, C++
  • Embedded System : Bluetooth Low Energy, IoT, Product Validation & testing

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