Clock Generator (28nm) PLL IP


Clock generator PLL is designed to multiply an input clock signal by an integer 40 and 50. The output is 2.5GHz with 50% duty cycle with quadrature phases. Available in TSMC90LP, TSMC 65G, TSMC 28HPC, GF 28SLP20160520085552-main-tc_pll


  • Input Reference Frequency range - 48MHz - 62.5MHz (90nm), 100MHz (65nm)
  • Output frequency range - 1.9GHz - 2.5GHz (Quadrature O/Ps)
  • Feedback divider value - 40 – 50 (90nm)
  • Output duty cycle - 50% +/- 3%
  • Period Jitter (P-P) - Under NDA
  • Power dissipation (nom) - Under NDA
  • Reset Pulse width (min) - 2us
  • Lock time (Max) - 3us
  • Area - Under NDA
  • Number of PLL supply pkg pins - 2
  • Supply Voltage - 1.2V(Typ) +/- 0.1V (90nm, 65nm), 1V (28nm)
  • Technology Option - TSMC90LP, TSMC 65G, TSMC